Human Name: Tiana Dumancas Were Name: Brightfang Email Address: tdumancas@hotmail.com Phenotype: Timber wolf Shifting Ability: Astral, Mental, Dream Birthdate: 3/30/81 Birthplace: Denver, CO Home Territory: Denver, CO Dream Territory: United Kingdom Physical Description, Human: 5'6", dark, big, curly hair streaked in blonde and red, brown skin tone, stocky build Physical Description, Were: 6'3" thick silver fur, cold wet nose Human Career: Professional student soon to be playwright Hobbies/Interests: Music, theater, writing Favorite Movies: So I Married an Axe Murderer, 10 Things I Hate About You, Shrek, Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, Favorite Were-movie: Ginger Snaps...my werewolf side is twisted. Favorite Literature: Shakespeare anything really. Favorite Were Literature: Alice Borchardt's The Silver Wolf, Women Who Run with the Wolves Favorite Art: I am partial to Van Gogh, since he and I share a birthday. Favorite Were-art: Anything featuring wolves, paintings, photos...anything Favorite Quote: "You need to drink some prune juice and let that shit go." Favorite Were Saying/Quote: "Rrrrr..." Favorite Personal Quote: "Hey, its not as if I was dancing naked in the square!" Favorite Song/Band(s): SR-71, Linkin Park, Bee Gees, Steppenwolf Favorite Season: Winter Favorite Holidays: Yule, Samhain Preferred Prey: Deer or Elk really. Hunting Tips: Wear pinstripes while stalking in tall grass...they look good, and are camouflage! Preferred Method of Attack: The outright assault, using their shock to slow them down. Favorite Non-Were Mythological Beast: Griffon Feelings Toward Vampires: I have a fear, but hey, my friends help me get over it. Feelings Toward Normal Humans: I like em. Nice people, if they aren't off being assholes.